
Thursday, December 27, 2018

Describe the house you are living in. Why do you love it? Tả ngôi nhà bạn đang ở. Tại sao bạn lại yêu ngôi nhà đó?

The house we’re living in is situated in the suburb of Ho Chi Minh City, within thirty minutes’ drive of the central city. We have lived there for more than twenty years. This is a fairly large house surrounded with a luxuriant garden. 
Describe the house you are living in. Why do you love it? Tả ngôi nhà bạn đang ở. Tại sao bạn lại yêu ngôi nhà đó? 

My ambition. Tham vọng của tôi.

My ambition is to become a successful scientist. I have always enjoyed attending science lessons in school. I believe it would be life’s greatest joy to establish my career in the scientific field. 

My ambition. Tham vọng của tôi.

The person I like most. Người mà tôi yêu quý nhất.

Of all the people in the world, I like my clear mother the most. Not all the wealth in the world can make me hate my mother. 

Everyone knows that mother’s love is the greatest love in the world. When I see how my mother behaves towards my father, brothers, sisters and me, I am filled with príde. In everything that she does, there is a touch of love. 
The person I like most. Người mà tôi yêu quý nhất.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Growing Popularity of Organic Food.

At the supermarket these days. there is often a section or aisle that sells just organic products. There are also many new stores opening up that specialize just in organic fruits and vegetables. Organic food is becoming more and more popular these days due to concerns about the safety of conventionally grown food. Organically grown produce. though. is often more expensive to buy. Consumers need to understand why something is labeled organic in order to make the best choices when purchasing food for themselves and their families. 
The Growing Popularity of Organic Food.