
Monday, January 28, 2019

Living in a city. Sống ở thành phố

A city is very noisy, yet most people like to live in it. There are indeed many things to see and enjoy in a city. 

The streets in a city are full of people and vehicles. Cars, buses and other vehicles can be seen running up and down the streets throughout the day. All these make a city very noisy and busy. Sometimes all kinds of accidents occur and some peole die as a result.

In a city, there are also many schools and hospitals. So, the people here find it very easy to send their children to school and to visit the hospital quickly when necessary. 

At night a city is full of colourful lights. They make the city beautiful. Some parts of the city are very crowded at this time, especially where the eating stalls or the cinemas are. 

Many people also attend school at night to improve them-selves. Today there are night schools in almost every city. 

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