
Wednesday, December 4, 2019

There is nothing that young people can teach older people. Do you agree or disagree?

Write about the following topic:

There is nothing that young people can teach older people. Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words

Sample Answer

The older generation today always complains that many young people are unmotivated and directionless, that they lack aims and they will pay a price for their behaviour in the future. Nonetheless. they do not realise youth are the products of their upbringing and the representation of their times. Thus, what they are and what they know will certainly be different from those of the older generation. Therefore, to say that the youngsters are useless is wrong, as they can also contribute in their own way and teach the older generation a lesson or two.

As we all know, today’s technology develops very fast. It is almost impossible for older people to keep up with every new technology that comes out. To young people, it is different; new things interest them. Furthermore, being young, they can absorb new knowledge like a sponge, much more quickly than the older generation does. Thus, they can help older people to get in tune with new technologies. Young kids, for example, can probably teach their grandparents to use the computer, which, in turn, will also be beneficial for their relationships.

In addition to this, by looking at the young people. we can learn about society better, As has been mentioned above, youngsters represent their times; hence, by understanding them, we can understand the development of society, as this age group is the most outspoken. A good example would be the hippie movement in the US in the 1960s. The movement displayed their dissatisfaction with the social system and their need for more freedom of expression of ideas.

As someone once said, “Life is a learning experience." From that, we can deduce that there is no stop to the process of learning. Instead of being critical of the youth, we should try to understand them and learn from them. After all, they are the future.


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