
Monday, January 7, 2019

My school holiday. Bài luận tiếng Anh về Kỳ nghỉ của tôi.

When the bell rang, everyone jumped for joy. The school holidays which would last one month had just begun. 

That night, my whole family caught the flight to Da Lat. We spent an interesting week at the beautiful place, doing some sightseeing, and enjoying the delights of the local dishes. 
My school holiday. Bài luận tiếng Anh về Kỳ nghỉ của tôi.

Back in the city, my piano lesson resumed. My Grade IV piano examination was scheduled for the last day of the school holiday. Therefore, I spent two hours every morning practising the piano. 

Of course, I spent time doing other things as well. I visited my grandparents, bringing with me cakes that my mother had specially baked for them. In addition, daddy lined up a series of programs for my brother and me like picnics, fishing trips and shopping. 

It was usually when we were having fun that we felt time passed quickly. The last week of my holiday was mostly spent on my studies and my piano practices. 

I passed my piano examination. It was certainly a good way to welcome school. I wished my school holidays were longer, I was also eager to see the familiar faces of my friends and teachers in school again. 

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