
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Are scientific inventions making us happier? Discuss its value. Bài luận tiếng Anh: Có phải những phát minh khoa học làm cho chúng ta sung sướng hơn không?

Tuyển chọn những bài luận tiếng Anh hay nhất theo từng chủ đề cụ thể từ cơ bản đến nâng cao, các bài luận trong các kỳ thi tuyển sinh, thì cấp bằng quốc tế, rèn luyện kỹ năng viết luận tiếng Anh. Dưới đây là bài luận viết về tầm ảnh hưởng của khoa học đến đời sống con người, các bạn cùng tham khảo bài luận này nhé.

Are scientific inventions making us happier? Discuss its value. 

One of the most popular questions which is often asked is: “Are scientific inventions making us happier?” Science today has given us such comforts as it was unimaginable years ago. Today we switch on the radio and listen to music. We have electricity, telephones, televisions, washing machines, refrigerators, air conditioning plants and a host of other gadgets. All these things have made the life of man very easy and comfortable. 

Are scientific inventions making us happier? Discuss its value. 

Bài luận tiếng Anh: Có phải những phát minh khoa học làm cho chúng ta sung sướng hơn không? 

Science has made traveling easy and efficient. The world has become small for us. But those exciting adventures and romances which travelling gave us in the past have all disappeared. Modern traveling is dull business. 

People who live in big cities like Saigon or Hanoi have benefited in some ways and lost in many other ways. The city people do not have any leisure. Their life are so busy and mechanical that they do not have any time “to stand and stare” as well as to see and appreciate the beauties of nature. Their lives have become artificial, devoid of charm and delight. 

Modern age is an age of science. As science is advancing it is at the same time thwarting our civilization. In the world of science, the words love, emotion and sentiments are quite foreign. So what is the use of science to man if he gains the whole world but loses his soul? Philosophy, culture and love are rapidly fading from the surface of the earth because of the advancement of science. 

On the destructive side, science has invented weapons which are dreadful and disastrous. The invention of U-boats, Rockets, Atom Bombs, Hydrogen Bombs and other harmful nuclear devices have increased the chances of human destruction. Thus if these weapons of science are misused, they would spell disaster for entire mankind. This is the peak of scientific civilization. 

Thus the opinion generally remains divided on the above subject. No one can claim that science is beneficial or a complete curse. While a scientist makes inventions, a politician may misuse them. Mainly, it is this wrong application of scientific invention by the politician which has brought humanity to a bad state. In this respect science has dehumanized us. Nowadays we have better drugs and surgical instruments but men are becoming weak continuously. Thus science, while it makes mankind happy by its latest achievements, also makes it unhappy when it Shows its destructive power. But, broadly speaking, science can be used for happiness but the mad mind of the man and particularly if the politicians misuse the discoveries of science, makes us unhappy. 

Tuyển chọn những bài luận tiếng Anh hay nhất theo từng chủ đề.

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bài luận tiếng anh ước mơ

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