
Friday, May 31, 2019

Disruptive school students have a negative influence on others. Students who are noisy and disobedient should be grouped together and taught separately.

To what extent do you agree or disagree with this point of view? 

It is an inescapable fact that a small, but troublesome minority of school students behave badly, some only occasionally but others regularly. Their behavíor presents problems both for the teachers and their fellow students and ultimately for themselves Disruptive pupils distract their classmates and may either introduce a note of hostility and an atmosphere of fear into the classroom or tUrn the lesson time into a comedy show centered on themselves. They may terrorize their classmates or become their heroes. In either case, they damage the learning environment and destroy the authority of the teacher. It has been suggested that disruptive students should be groupeđ together and taught separately. Personally, I am against this suggestion for a number of reasons and justifications. 

One solution is to segregate these students in a “sin bin” where they are taught on their own. However, although this may seem a logical solution, taking this easy way out may cause as many problems as it solves. First, the segregated students will in practice receive fewer educational opportunities than peers when in feet they need more, Secondly, the experience of being excluded within the society of school may embitter them against society in general and they may go on to a career of crime and anti-social behavior. 

Before we take such drastic action as exclusion, we should consider alternatives. Old fashioned as it may seem, I believe that for disruptive students below age 14, the short, sharp shock of corporal punishment, like we used to get if we played up in class at my school, is often effective in enforcing authority. But for older pupils, experienced teachers generally agreed that corporal punishment is ineffective. Secondly, we should look into the underlying cause of disruptìve behavior. A weak, incompetent or unfair teacher can bring such difficulties upon themselves. In that case, it is the teacher who needs counseling and support. Indeed, it may simply be that the lessons are boring and fail to give the students a sense of achievement, progress and pride in their development. Such students may need more challenging, more imaginatively planned lessons and the chance, for example, to do some project work without constant direct supervision. To some extent, of course it is unrealistic to expect all lessons to be exciting and fun: education, like the rest of life, can be a hard grind and learning how to cope with it can be a useful lesson in itself. Only a handful of students who cannot respond positively to attempts to improve the quality of their school life should be segregated. 

Therefore, before we condemn disruptive students to a special class or school, we should look at factors such as the teaching because once these students have been separated, it is unlikely they will be brought back and they may find themselves set on a lifetime of anti-social behavior. 

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